
I need HELP !!

Heyyyy | 24/09/2012

Hey tween rules I have a friend that is ignoring meh !! Help

Re: I need HELP !!

Grace | 06/10/2012

Hiya one of my friends was ignoring me a week ago aswell, so i know this sounds a bit nasty but I just got on with my life made new friends and hanged around with some of my other bezzies. A week later she started talking to me and saying what I did wrong, and I got what she meant, so we both said sorry and now we're as close as ever!! xxxx

Re: I need HELP !!

Kacey | 28/12/2012

Hi. First of all, try your hardest to talk to her. If she wont answer, leave a note in her locker, backpack, or on/in her desk. If she won't answer to that, Talk to your school's guidance counselar or if you know your friends parents well talk to them. Also, make sure to give her her space, and maybe it has nothing to do with you. She may be having a hard time at home, school, or with other friends. I hope this helps!

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